Nature’s Indoor Anti-Depressant?


Nature's Indoor Anti-Depressant?A No Drug, Practical Approach to dealing with Depression and Anxiety: ‘Kinetic Oxygen’  In the main, anti-depressant drugs work to increase activity levels of serotonin in the brain, based on the theory that low serotonin is the cause of depression and also anxiety. Examples of such medications are the SSRI group; Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (which includes the brand names Prozac and Zoloft). These [...]

Nature’s Indoor Anti-Depressant?2019-07-12T11:16:34+00:00

A Natural and Powerful Approach to Stress Management


A Natural and Powerful Approach to Chronic Stress Management (How Kinetic Oxygen can improve the physiological stress response and reduce symptoms and consequences of chronic stress) It’s believed that a small amount of stress in our lives can be a positive phenomenon. Just as our ancestors’ stress response was a good survival technique, kicking in to help them fight a bear or flee from an [...]

A Natural and Powerful Approach to Stress Management2019-04-01T14:32:44+00:00

Lower Your Stress Hormones with Kinetic Oxygen!


Lower Your Stress Hormones with Kinetic Oxygen Preliminary Findings on the Importance of Kinetic Oxygen in Managing the Impact of Stress. INTRODUCTION ‘Stress’ is an unavoidable phenomenon in our modern world. Although a certain degree of ‘stress’ is supposedly of benefit, for many individuals today, daily life is composed of ongoing stress, creating chronic negative impact, physically, mentally and emotionally. Regular use [...]

Lower Your Stress Hormones with Kinetic Oxygen!2019-02-26T14:43:57+00:00
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